Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 9

Ny husband is the butt of jokes, nationwide. Wonderful. That woman seems almost pleased about this wretched mess she made.

Day 8

Press conference today. How dare he openly lie to an entire nation? Campaign promises and speeches are one thing, means to an end, but this... has he no shame? I can hardly believe that he's the same person I married.

Day 7

The media found out today. We spent the whole day together, as if that wasn't bad enough, dodging cameras. The fact that he hasn't the decency to just admit what he did.... disgusting.

Day 6

I confronted him today. The nerve of that man! How dare he lie to my face, and tell me that he has never cheated on me! I can't take the lies anymore. I won't.

Day 5

How has it all come to this?
When we were young, we were so in love. We had such plans together. And yet, it seems like it was accomplishing those dreams we had that ruined everything. As the years passed, we cared less and less for each other. Now, there seems to be little love for our marriage to live on.

Day 4

Today, I simply couldn't take it anymore. The hypocrisy of it all! I had to get away, just for a few hours. I asked to be left in my bedroom, under the pretense of a migraine. Might as well be the truth. This whole business is such a headache.